@php use Carbon\Carbon; @endphp
Customer Copy |
@if(isset($data->invoiceNo)) Invoice - {{$data->invoiceNo}} @endif | @if(isset($data->createdDate)) Date - {{dateFormatter($data->createdDate)}} @endif |
Name | : | @if(isset($data->customer)) {{$data->customer->name}} @if (isset($data->customer->patientAnimal->species)) ({{$data->customer->patientAnimal->species}}) @endif (Reg- {{$data->customer->registrationNo}} ) @endif |
Age | : | @if(isset($data->customer)) {{\Carbon\Carbon::parse($data->customer->dob)->startOfDay()->diff(\Carbon\Carbon::now())->format('%yY %mM %dD')}} Sex: @if(isset($data->customer)) {{$data->customer->gender}} @endif @endif | |
Phone | : | @if(isset($data->customer)) {{$data->customer->mobileNo}} @endif | |
Referred By | : | @if(isset($data->referredBy)) {{$data->referredBy}} @endif | |
Cabin No | : | {{$data->customer->admission->bed->bedNo}} | @endif|
Bill to Contact | --}} {{--: | --}} {{----}} {{-- {{$data->customer->billToContact->name}} --}} {{-- ( Reg-{{$data->customer->billToContact->billToRegistrationNo}} )--}} {{-- | --}} {{-- @endif --}} {{--
{{capitalizeFirstChar($list[0])}} | ||||||||||||||||
Sl | Name | @if($list[0] == "MEDICINE")Rate | @endif @if($list[0] == "MEDICINE")Discount(%) | @endif @if($list[0] === "INVESTIGATION")Delivery Time | @endif @if($list[0] == "MEDICINE")Price | @endif @if($list[0] == "MEDICINE")Quantity | @endif @if($list[0] === "INVESTIGATION")Room No | @endif @if($list[0] === "INVESTIGATION")Total | @endif @if($list[0] != "MEDICINE" && $list[0] != "INVESTIGATION")Total | @endif @if($list[0] == "MEDICINE")Total | @endif||||||
{{$i+1}} | @if(isset($item->productItem->name)) {{$item->productItem->name}} @else {{$item->itemName}} @endif | @if(isset($item->unitPrice) && $list[0] == "MEDICINE"){{number_format($item->unitPrice, 2), 2}} | @endif @if(isset($item->discountRate) && $list[0] == "MEDICINE"){{number_format($item->discountRate, 2)}} | @endif @if($list[0] === "INVESTIGATION")@if(isset($item->productItem->deliveryTime) && isset($item->productItem->deliveryUom)) {{getDeliveryTime($item->productItem->deliveryTime, $item->productItem->deliveryUom, $data->createdDate)->format('d-M g:i A')}} @endif | @endif @if($list[0] === "INVESTIGATION")@if(isset($item->productItem->sampleCollectionRoom)) {{$item->productItem->sampleCollectionRoom}} @endif | @endif @if(isset($item->saleAmount) && $list[0] == "MEDICINE"){{number_format($item->saleAmount, 2)}} | @endif @if(isset($item->quantity) && $list[0] == "MEDICINE"){{$item->quantity}} | @endif @if($list[0] === "INVESTIGATION"){{number_format($item->netSales, 2), 2}} | @endif @if($list[0] != "MEDICINE" && $list[0] != "INVESTIGATION"){{number_format($item->netSales, 2), 2}} | @endif @if($list[0] == "MEDICINE"){{number_format($item->netSales, 2), 2}} | @endif||||||
Sub Total of {{capitalizeFirstChar($list[0])}} : {{number_format($total, 2), 2}} |
Payment Mode | Transaction No | Amount |
{{capitalizeFirstChar($item->paymentMethod)}} | {{$item->transactionId}} | {{$item->payAmount}} |
Grand Total | : | {{number_format($data->totalSaleAmount, 2), 2}} |
Discount Amount | : | {{number_format($data->totalDiscountAmount, 2), 2}} |
Total | : | {{number_format($data->totalSaleAmount - $data->totalDiscountAmount, 2), 2}} |
Paid | : | {{number_format($data->totalCashAmount + $data->totalCardAmount + $data->totalMFSAmount, 2), 2}} |
Due | : | {{number_format($data->totalDue, 2), 2}} |
Return | : | {{number_format($data->totalReturn, 2), 2}} |
@if(isset($data->invoiceNo)) Invoice - {{$data->invoiceNo}} @endif | @if(isset($data->createdDate)) Date - {{dateFormatter($data->createdDate)}} @endif |
Name | : | @if(isset($data->customer)) {{$data->customer->name}} @if (isset($data->customer->patientAnimal->species)) ({{$data->customer->patientAnimal->species}}) @endif (Reg- {{$data->customer->registrationNo}} ) @endif |
Age | : | @if(isset($data->customer)) {{\Carbon\Carbon::parse($data->customer->dob)->startOfDay()->diff(\Carbon\Carbon::now())->format('%yY %mM %dD')}} Sex: @if(isset($data->customer)) {{$data->customer->gender}} @endif @endif | |
Phone | : | @if(isset($data->customer)) {{$data->customer->mobileNo}} @endif | |
Referred By | : | @if(isset($data->referredBy)) {{$data->referredBy}} @endif | |
Cabin No | : | {{$data->customer->admission->bed->bedNo}} | @endif|
Bill to Contact | --}} {{--: | --}} {{----}} {{-- {{$data->customer->billToContact->name}} --}} {{-- ( Reg-{{$data->customer->billToContact->billToRegistrationNo}} )--}} {{-- | --}} {{-- @endif--}} {{--
{{capitalizeFirstChar($unCatList->name)}} | ||||||
Sl | Name | Delivery Time | Room No | Total | ||
{{$i+1}} | {{$item->productItem->name}} ({{$item->sampleCollectSite}}) | @if(isset($item->productItem->deliveryTime)) {{getDeliveryTime($item->productItem->deliveryTime, $item->productItem->deliveryUom, $data->createdDate)->format('d-M g:i A')}} @endisset | {{$item->productItem->sampleCollectionRoom}} | {{number_format($item->totalSalesAmount , 2), 2}} | @php $total += $item->totalSalesAmount; @endphp @php $totalDiscount += ($item->totalSalesAmount * $item->overAllDiscountPercentage) /100; @endphp
Sub Total of {{capitalizeFirstChar($unCatList->name)}} | : | {{number_format($total, 2), 2}} |
Discount Amount | : | {{number_format($totalDiscount, 2), 2}} |
Total | : | {{number_format($total - $totalDiscount, 2), 2}} |